Finally. Sartorially eldritch.
Category Archives: Humor
Texas, California
Deferred Gratification
What’s the present value of a future marshmallow? Even five minutes into the future?
It’s made all the harder of course, not just by the fact that kids have lower impulse control, but by the fact that a minute lasts forever when you’re a kid.
I also think that this is a parable for our current economic straits.
It’s Probably Worse
Mitch Daniels says that living next door to Illinois is like living next door to the Simpsons.
They Told Me If I Voted Republican
A compilation. I guess we should have listened to them.
They’re Not Light Bulbs
They’re highly efficient miniature heaters. And as a bonus, they give off some light.
How did we manage to have major industrial countries be run by idiots?
That TSA Venn Diagram
What Will Bloomberg Do About This?
Things are getting pretty bad in New York.
Oh, and speaking of King Nanny, I love Treacher’s suggestion: “If you really want Mayor Bloomberg to do something about the snow, just tell him that people are enjoying it.”
Gee, Thanks, Merle
Merle Haggard helps out the president:
When asked about Obama’s biggest misconception, Haggard, 73, said, “He’s not conceited. He’s very humble about being the president of the United States, especially in comparison to some presidents we’ve had who come across like they don’t need anybody’s help. I think he knows he’s in over his head. Anybody with any sense who takes that job and thinks they can handle it must be an idiot.”
And as we all know, Barack Obama is no idiot. Though Merle Haggard may be.
An Amusing Teeshirt
After all these decades, I was surprised to learn a couple of years ago in an eye exam that I’m somewhat color blind. It’s never affected my life, as far as I know — I see red lights on a green Christmas tree, and I’ve never had trouble distinguishing between red and green traffic signals. But apparently others must see the colors more vividly than I do. Or perhaps it was a late onset kind of thing. Anyway, though I can see many red spots, I can’t quite make out the message on this shirt. Which is probably a good thing.