Behold: a rocket launcher made of bacon.
Unfortunately, on my current sodium restriction, I probably wouldn’t be able to use it.
Behold: a rocket launcher made of bacon.
Unfortunately, on my current sodium restriction, I probably wouldn’t be able to use it.
I agree with Mark Steyn, about Lindsey Graham.
[Mid-afternoon update]
Iowahawk has gotten Senator Graham on the record, with his thoughts on war-time etiquette:
My experience has only served to underscore Miss Buelah’s perspicacity, for I have seen that convivial manners always provide a welcome lubricant to social intercourse; whether it takes place in a fraternity bunkroom, the JAG officers barracks, or the late-night well of the Senate.
Unfortunately, that could apply to a lot of the Republican party.
Seen on Facebook: “Barack Obama has launched more Tomahawk missiles than all other Nobel Peace Prize winners combined.”
Probably more Predator drones, too.
[Update a while later]
Credit where it’s due. A rare self-deprecating moment for the president. I think that even he, with all his ego, realized and realizes how ridiculous that award was, and how it may have been the last straw in finally discrediting it.
This is truly becoming farcical:
We bombed Qaddafi’s forces because they were killing civilians. So Qaddafi’s forces began dressing like civilians. So the rebels began killing civilians. So NATO is warning the rebels not to kill civilians, otherwise NATO will bomb the rebels. But the rebels are dressed like civilians.So NATO may end up killing civilians.
In other news, the administration continues to debate arming the rebels who are dressed like civilians. But Qaddafi’s forces are also dressed like civilians. So we may be arming Qaddafi’s forces who are killing civilians while we also bomb the rebels who are killing civilians and bombing civilians who really are civilians but look like Qaddafi’s forces who are killing civilians.
Who’s on first?
Via Jonah Goldberg, who writes in his weekly G-File:
The New York Times reports that NATO has told the rebels that if they kill civilians then NATO will bomb them, too.
As a commenter in the Corner put it, this is reminiscent of that scene in Bananas where the operatives are talking en route to a hot zone:
“Any word on where we’re going?”
“I hear it’s San Marcos.”
“For or against the government?”
“CIA’s not taking any chances. Some of us are for it, and some of us are gonna be against it.”More seriously, has there ever been a war where we’ve gone from taking sides in the fight to saying, “You kids play nice! Don’t make me come in there!” (Honest question, has there ever been a great power that has in effect acted like a schoolyard referee, making sure that both sides “fight fair”?)
It would be American exceptionalism at its finest. If the president believed in that sort of thing.
And we have a Secretary of State who thinks that Bashar Assad is a reformer.
The country’s in the very best of hands.
“Why do I have a sinking feeling that expecting the Libyan rebels to overthrow Qaddafi is like expecting the Coyote to catch the Road Runner . . . and that we’re about to become the Acme Corporation?”
Well, this was sort of inevitable.
Bill Whittle and Iowahawk team up, and the results are what you might expect. No human beings were harmed in the making of this video, but Michael Moore takes a hell of a beating.
…on only ten billion a day. Iowahawk runs the numbers.
The latest space policy adventure with the teddy bears. Or dogs. Or whatever they are.