Category Archives: Humor
A Wrap Up of 2022
From Dave Barry.
Meet Kamala’s Speechwriter
It all makes sense now.
Despite all the badgering from the right people, American still don’t enjoy it.
The Simpsons had it nailed years ago.
Why I’m Voting Republican
[Update early afternoon]
43 other things that the Democrats are requesting amnesty for.
The Onion
…files an amicus brief in support of parody, and it’s exactly what you’d expect.
The World In Panic
…as science announces retirement.
[Afternoon update]
On a more serious note, the downfall of “America’s doctor.”
We should never again allow one bureaucrat to accumulate that much power and influence.
[Wednesday-morning update]
Good riddance to Fauci and his calamitous, costly career.
[Update Thursday afternoon]
Makary (and Bhattacharya, and others) was right all along, and Fauci was basically wrong all along.
“Some Scientists Think”
This is hilarious.
Important Writing Advice
How to add more LGBTQ to your fiction.