New York will raise taxes on the coronavirus to encourage it to flee the state.
Category Archives: Humor
Bodice Rippers For Andy
This is sort of amazing. And it’s not April Fool’s stuff; these women are probably fools year around.
[Update a few minutes later]
Cuomo is no hero, but moron De Blasio prepared for the wrong emergency (which was in fact in no way an emergency).
…urge government to reopen schools quickly, before students learn to think for themselves.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Under the circumstances, though I have in the past, I’m not doing an April 1st post this year, but the Bee steps up to the plate.
[Update Thursday afternoon]
We are all homeschoolers now.
This is going to have a huge impact on education, and for the better.
Claire Berlinski
She’s been putting out an entertaining newsletter for a while. Here‘s her latest.
The Latest Media Lies
The Epstein Assassination
Hillary says it was done to “manage anxiety.”
Selfless Joe
Former Vice-President Biden is going to drop out of the race and throw his support to former Senator Biden.
AOC Outsciences Ted Cruz
…by making a baking-soda volcano.
Here’s how I discovered this.
I was listening to a speaker at a conference and almost LOLed.
Things Looking Up
Nation more optimistic about the future now that all of the presidential candidates are projected to die of old age before the election.
Time Traveler Visits From America’s Glorious Socialist Future
…and asks for food.