Category Archives: Humor

Fending Off The Seventies

Lileks has some appropriately cruel and hilarious commentary on the latest fashions.

For young men, true high style: $30 John Deere shirts or T-shirts with typefaces from the “Mork & Mindy” era, worn with a brown knit cap I’d wear only if I were missing part of my skull and wanted to keep my brain warm en route to the hospital. The shirts remind you of that glorious era of grunge. Plaid. Ratty plaid. You remember grunge! That’s when Dame Fashion required healthy, happy people to look like they had inherited the contents of a Salvation Army dumpster filled with the clothes of heroin-addicted lumberjacks.

Enjoy the whole thing.

Pet Rats

As a certified Hater Of Little Dogs™, I found this amusing. Recent DNA analysis has determined that not all dogs are dogs.

Among other findings, the analysis determined that the Chihuahua is actually a type of large rodent, selectively bred for centuries to resemble a canine.

This may buttress theories that Michael Jackson isn’t actually human.

On the other hand, considering the source, and this little bit, perhaps we shouldn’t take this research totally seriously:

The study found that several diminutive breeds had been independently created around the world from a variety of other animals, including the Lhasa apso (Tibetan snow rabbit), Pekingese (Chinese water rat), Shih Tzu (stoat), and Yorkshire Terrier (pigeon).

[Update on Thursday]

Here’s the real story, from this week’s Economist.