Has a response to the Guardian, thanking them for their election advice:
Anyhoo, thanks alot for the election advice and stuff. Boy, you made some really good points (even tho I didn’t understand all the confusing England-style words) but Reverend Falwell said on the Fox TV that G-d will punish us with commies and terrorist and negros and AIDS, etc., if we don’t elect President Bush.
He also has a scoop on the latest injustice in New York.
In other news, TV Barn reports that “60 Minutes” Sunday is going to kick off its new season with a premier episode about “a cruel scam that preys on the elderly.” No word on whether Bill Burkett is involved.
Lileks has some appropriately cruel and hilarious commentary on the latest fashions.
For young men, true high style: $30 John Deere shirts or T-shirts with typefaces from the “Mork & Mindy” era, worn with a brown knit cap I’d wear only if I were missing part of my skull and wanted to keep my brain warm en route to the hospital. The shirts remind you of that glorious era of grunge. Plaid. Ratty plaid. You remember grunge! That’s when Dame Fashion required healthy, happy people to look like they had inherited the contents of a Salvation Army dumpster filled with the clothes of heroin-addicted lumberjacks.