Bridget Johnson has the most shallow analysis of the Mideast war ever.
I like it, though.
Bridget Johnson has the most shallow analysis of the Mideast war ever.
I like it, though.
Scott Ott is asking the question that’s surely on everyone’s mind.
[Update in the evening]
Michael Clarke explains the weird fascination between Jihadis and aircraft.
From that famous Jihadi love poet, Iowahawk.
You know, while Greg Gutfeld is pretty funny, the funniest thing about his pieces at the Huffpo are the outraged commenters. It’s like poking a stick into a nest of angry hornets. Errr…except they aren’t as smart.
And I have to admit that I do share their questions about why Arianna continues to allow him to post–he’s so out of place over there.
Instapinch has more on our daring experimenter, speaking truth to physics!
[Before bed update]
Here, courtesy of Football Fans For Truth, are the top ten Scholars for 911 Truth.
…but still, I have to say, I like raw fish. Even if most folks I know think that it’s just bait. Just call me a sucker.
OK, so, I’m procrastinating from my CEV spec review.
But even though it’s not the right time of the year, who can pass up a rampaging Easter Bunny.
Not me, apparently.
I really need a “Sick Humor” category…
Iowahawk features a return of the “rat pack.” Or is it a weasel pack?
Also, don’t miss the Hoosegow Honey beauty contest.
Iowahawk features a return of the “rat pack.” Or is it a weasel pack?
Also, don’t miss the Hoosegow Honey beauty contest.
Iowahawk features a return of the “rat pack.” Or is it a weasel pack?
Also, don’t miss the Hoosegow Honey beauty contest.