Spoyler alert: If ye haue nat yet sene the performaunce of ‘Serpentes on a Shippe,’ rede nat of the romaunce, for it doth telle of the manye suprises and straunge eventes that happen in the course of the storye, and thus it mayhap shall lessen yower enjoiement of the performaunce yt self.
I just think that it’s great that he finally got a blog after all these centuries.
I haven’t had much (anything, in fact) to say about the Pluto imbroglio. I do think a lot of the commentary about it is kind of silly, anthropomorphizing an icy rock with talk of “poor Pluto.” Get over it, folks.
Here’s what I would have written, if I’d had the time and more inspiration.
Blond goddesses with gigantic breasts and gorgeous bodies are all secretly in love with nerdy computer geeks, and their ambition is to move into the apartment next door to a computer geek.
The Superbowl is every wife’s big chance to finally get to f**k 2-4 of her husband’s closest friends, and these friends are always attractive.
There are several Trek-s3x-related ones as well:
Odo quite simply IS the best f**k in the galaxy (he’s a shape shifter, do the math).
You know, while Greg Gutfeld is pretty funny, the funniest thing about his pieces at the Huffpo are the outraged commenters. It’s like poking a stick into a nest of angry hornets. Errr…except they aren’t as smart.
And I have to admit that I do share their questions about why Arianna continues to allow him to post–he’s so out of place over there.