Finally, the Democrats have found a strategic redeployment that they can actually implement.
Category Archives: Humor
But They’re Not Cutting And Running
Finally, the Democrats have found a strategic redeployment that they can actually implement.
But They’re Not Cutting And Running
Finally, the Democrats have found a strategic redeployment that they can actually implement.
The Marvel That Is The Internet
Prior to the web, it would have been almost impossible to put together a collection of cats that look like Hitler. And just to keep it on topic, don’t miss kitlers in space.
‘Tis a wondrous age in which we are blessed to live.
[Update in the afternoon]
I know, I shouldn’t let my mind wander down such dark paths, but will the ultimate result of this be these people getting their cats together to create a new goosestepping (but softly) and saluting breed? What would the ultimate kitler look like? Would personality traits be important, or merely physical resemblance? Perspiring minds want to know.
Bronx Beaver Spotting
Some Freeper found this story, about the return of the beaver to New York City, after two hundred years. As one of the commenters notes, the jokes just tell themselves.
They named it “Jose.” As another commenter notes, it must be building dams, and doing the work that American beavers just won’t do.
Now The Chinese Have Gone Too Far
This means war.
Order Now
Frank J. has a new book out. He calls it the dumbest book ever written about the Bush administration. Hard to believe, for anyone who’s ever read Ivins.
It’s a compilation of many of his blog posts for the past few years. I guess I should finish mine.
Lileks is mercilessly mocking a haughty and pretentious French person.
Famous (Mis)Quotes
These Are Your Spiders
…on drugs. This is pretty funny.