This is great. I love the accents, but I think they’re Minnesota, not Alaska (though they’re closely related).
Of course, the anonymous wanker in comments who is always crying “Pants On Fire” will take it seriously.
This is great. I love the accents, but I think they’re Minnesota, not Alaska (though they’re closely related).
Of course, the anonymous wanker in comments who is always crying “Pants On Fire” will take it seriously.
The McCain campaign should get with some of the Abe’s List folks in Hollywood (like Dennis Miller) and work up some material. Then get SNL to have Palin as a guest where she can do impressions of Tina Fey.
That was the essence of an inadvertently hilarious (anonymous, natch) comment about Obama in this post.
To me, that’s like Helen Thomas saying “don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.”
But I’m reminded that Jesus was a preacher. Barabbas was the community organizer. And a freedom fighter, like Bill Ayers. Also like Ayers, he got off on a technicality.
You know that Tina Fey has to be hoping for a Republican victory. It’s a guaranteed gig for at least four, and maybe a dozen years.
Did Mark Murray think about what he was writing?
Palin could be heard nearly squealing with delight in the front of the plane at the sight of three of her children at the foot of the stairs, and according to several aides, refused to stay inside the plane.
Emphasis mine.
Iowahawk is on the job.
By the way, I’m about to get on an airplane to go back to get blown away by a hurricane, so no posting until this evening, if then.
From Iowahawk.
Some Sarah Palin facts. With all the lies and misconceptions out there, somebody had to pull this together. I particularly liked this one:
Death once had a near-Sarah-Palin experience.
Jesus wears a bracelet that says WWSPD?