Category Archives: History

Jimmy Carter

RIP. I’d have a lot to say, but for now, de mortuis nil nisi bonum.

[Update while later]

I’m watching the Packers/Vikings game (rooting for Green Bay to get the division championship for the Lions), but Ed Driscoll has a lot of links.

[Monday-morning update]

The under- and over-appreciated Jimmy Carter.

And there is no love lost from Sarah Hoyt.

[Update a while later]

He was a terrible president, and a worse former president.

X Defeats Congress

Maybe it’s a new world, politically.

[Update a few minutes later]

[Update a while later]

This seems somewhat related: Rapid-Onset Political Enlightenment.

I said the day after the election that I had a great feeling of relief, and this sort of explains it. It’s almost like when Saruman’s spell over Théoden was broken.