A twelve-year old Boy Scout has come up with a 3-D printed solution to a face-mask problem.
Category Archives: Health
Being Libertarian In A Pandemic
Thoughts from Eugene Volokh.
Our biggest problem continues to be a paucity of information. The old saying is that knowledge is power, and right now, we’re still pretty powerless in that regard.
[Update a while later]
Pandemics come and go, but medical masks are eternal.
Another promising new drug.
That Woman Governor
Whitmer is being touted as Biden’s running mate, but that was before this. She wasn’t particularly popular as governor, having been swept in with the blue tide in 2018. So far, she’s been getting a boost from this, but I’ll be interested to see her polling in the wake of her petty tyranny. And not just her, but all such petty tyrants. I hope people will remember this fall.
[Update a few minutes later]
America: A Roaring Giant?
Or a crying baby?
We’ve been the latter for far too long. We raised a generation of them. I hope this changes that.
Potential Treatments
The world’s largest supercomputer has found 77 of them.
That’s fast, but faster, please.
How they wrecked the economy.
They both are overdue for a thorough overhaul, to the degree that they should even exist.
Blaming Europe
“That’s what Xi said.”
I’ve never worried about the food itself; my concern is the packaging. As it says, take the food out of it, dispose, and wash your hands. It’s also good that the drive-through cashiers are holding out the machine for you to insert your card in, rather than taking it from you and handing it back.
The Pope
…says that the virus is nature’s response to the “climate crisis.”
In related news, the Red Pope is a misanthropic idiot.