Category Archives: Health

The Tyrannical States

Bob Zimmerman is not happy (to put it mildly).

Legally, it’s not really martial law, which is when the military literally takes over, but it’s certainly multiple violations of the Bill of Rights.

[Update a few minutes later]

One way to improve the lockdown; stop being hypocritical tyrants.

[Update a few more minutes later]

South Dakota has a governor who is behaving responsibly, so the WaPo decided to smear her, because she’s (you know) a Republican.

[Update a few minutes later]

No, Raleigh police, protesting is in fact not a “non-essential activity.”

[Update a while later]

Note the comment at Bob Zimmerman’s post about the New Jersey dance instructor teaching on line alone in her studio, who was ordered to stop by the police, because she was “working.” Apparently, the state wants to make it illegal to earn a living, regardless of risk level.

Trust The “Experts”

Public health authorities have failed us at every level, and the powerful people who were catastrophically wrong about China.

[Update a while later]

The long hard road to decoupling from China. We cannot have globalization with countries that do not share our values of liberty and individualism. But we should more strongly embrace the China that works: Taiwan.

[Update a couple minutes later]

A bipartisan call for WHO to make Taiwan a member. That of course begs the question that WHO is an organization even worthy of our funding.

[Update a while later]

The massive failure of the federal government in the pandemic argues against Medicare for all.


Michigan has possibly the worst governor in America.

I was talking to my brother, who lives just south of Flint, about this yesterday, when we talked for Easter. They usually drive down to Southfield on holidays to visit with his wife’s family, but couldn’t do it due to the lockdown order.

She’s not up for re-election until 2022, but maybe she could be recalled. But she’s also on the list to be Biden’s running mate, because she has the right number of X chromosomes. Not at all clear that she would strengthen the ticket in MI, though, in the wake of this tyrannical idiocy.

[Late-morning update]

As George Turner notes in comments, there’s a very popular recall petition at

[Update a while later]

More at Redstate.

[Update a few minutes later]

Wow, the signatures are coming in more than one per second. My brother, his wife, and their two kids have signed. My question is, is there a legal recall procedure? I don’t think this petition has any legal weight.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Here is the procedure. The petition has to first be approved, then needs 25% of the people who voted in the last general election in the state. Looks like it would force a gubernatorial election in November, in which she’d have to defend her office against challenger(s).

[Update a couple minutes later]

This is the official manual for how do it. There were four and a quarter million votes in 2018, so the petition would need a little over a million signatures. Based on the petition, that seems doable.

[Update a few minutes later]

She’s not the only one; this is exposing the little tyrants all over the country.

[Update early afternoon]

These petty authoritarians are getting out of hand.

[Tuesday-morning update]

Michigan business people: Why is our state different?

Because your state elected a moron in 2018 as governor.

[Update a while later]

While Trump rants, it’s the governors who are being the Captain Queegs.