Of all of these, I only have hypertension (which I think is vastly overdiagnosed, andoverrated as a risk). And since only 6% had only one, I’d think it’s unlikely that hypertension by itself is that big a risk, so despite my superannuated condition, I’m not that personally concerned.
I don’t know if that original story is valid, but apparently Israel and U.S. law firms are suing the CCP for trillions. Even if they have no mechanism to force payment, this will certainly diminish China in the eyes of the world, and it could provide a legitimate excuse for defaulting on the money we owe them.
If we can find what works for treatment, and only isolate the most vulnerable, that’s the best path forward to re-open the economy in the absence of a vaccine.
[Update a while later]
Time to dump epidemic models? All models are wrong, some are useful, but it’s not clear that these have been, though they’ve certainly been used to implement policies that a lot of people wanted to implement before the pandemic.
Well, this news about Hokkaido’s second wave isn’t great.
[Update Saturday morning]
California’s “Reopening Task Force” is the usual leftist hacks, who don’t want a pandemic to go to waste. It would be a joke if not for how disastrous this will be.