Category Archives: Health

A Rant On The Sociopolitical Madness

…from Lileks:

I think a lot of people who lived their lives in a quivering state of imminent ecological collapse-panic have moved those emotions from that box into this one, and feel energized because the dread now seems even more imminent, and they have Science! on their side, and their enemies are all the right enemies, and this time they can make a difference. And it requires nothing.

I could get the Wuhan Virus (I call it that to push back against Newthink that insists the smart people call it the European Virus) and I could die. I know that. I keep that in mind all the time when I leave the house, and gather my tools and shields, and mind my actions with care, for the same reason I signal a lane change on an empty highway. You never know what’s in your blind spot



Bob Zimmerman

will not wear a mask.

We’ve been wearing one, not because we really think it keeps us or others safer, but simply out of current social etiquette. And we only do it inside, not when simply outside.

[Update a while later]

People are silently withdrawing their consent from the State.

Some not-so-silently, too.

[Update Saturday morning]

Mask shaming is just the latest form of virtue signaling.
