An interesting anti-aging result in mice. The interesting thing is that it’s already an approved procedure, so it won’t need clinical trials.
Category Archives: Health
Functioning Human Livers
…have been grown from stem cells. They’re tiny, for now, but this seems like a huge breakthrough. And good news for alcoholics, among others.
It was the invasion that saved the world.
Last year was a much bigger deal, because it was the 75th anniversary, and there’s a lot more going on this weekend.
[Update a while later]
This year, the beaches and fields are empty.
[Sunday-morning update]
First link fixed, sorry.
[A few minutes later]
What if the invasion had failed?
Counterfactuals are always dicey.
Artificial Red Blood Cells
…that may perform better than natural ones. That would be a life saver in many cases.
The Lockdown
May have saved no lives, and cost many.
It’s appearing more and more to me that that was the case. It was perhaps the biggest blunder in human history.
Herd Immunity
This is good news, if true. It could explain why it hasn’t been worse, and probably won’t get worse.
The Protests
…expose lock downs and social distancing as a farce.
Perhaps the greatest mistake in human history.
Climate Versus Covid Models
Cloudy with a chance of politics.
More than a chance.
The “Public-Health Emergency”
At this point, it’s impossible to take lock-down orders seriously.
…is depressed and angry. So is Greg Gutfeld; he said so on The Five yesterday. I feel fortunate to live in a neighborhood that, despite being in the center of the LA metroplex, is unlikely to attract looters.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Thank CNN, the media, and the Democrats for the looting and the riots.
[Update a while later]
Pandemics and pandemonium: a history of pandemics and rioting, and a description of “riot ideology.” I just saw on Twitter that Barr is threatening to release communications between Antifa and prominent public officials to coordinate the mayhem. I’m guessing that none of those public officials are Republicans.
[Update while more later]
“Resistance” has become insurrection.
[Afternoon update]
How to destroy civilization. And American Kristallnacht.
I read Shirer’s “Rise and Fall” as a teenager, but not since.