Category Archives: Health


…is depressed and angry. So is Greg Gutfeld; he said so on The Five yesterday. I feel fortunate to live in a neighborhood that, despite being in the center of the LA metroplex, is unlikely to attract looters.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Thank CNN, the media, and the Democrats for the looting and the riots.

[Update a while later]

Pandemics and pandemonium: a history of pandemics and rioting, and a description of “riot ideology.” I just saw on Twitter that Barr is threatening to release communications between Antifa and prominent public officials to coordinate the mayhem. I’m guessing that none of those public officials are Republicans.

[Update while more later]

“Resistance” has become insurrection.

[Afternoon update]

How to destroy civilization. And American Kristallnacht.

I read Shirer’s “Rise and Fall” as a teenager, but not since.