The left’s Gramscian march took decades. Trump and the virus swept through the institutions in a few months. Good riddance.
Category Archives: Health
The Restaurant Industry
The pandemic (and often stupid response to it) is on the verge of destroying it.
I have to confess that I wouldn’t miss it all that much, except when I travel. I can prepare my own food much healthier, and much lower cost. The fact that so many young people thought they could afford to pay other people to cook for them is one of the reasons that generation is having a tough time financially.
Baby, please come back.
This virus has been like a wildfire, sweeping through education, academia, and blue cities. It took technological and social trends that were already happening, and rapidly accelerated them, and now they’re smoldering ashes. I don’t think any of them will ever be the same again. And that’s not a bad thing.
Common Colds
…may have enabled some people to fight the coronavirus.
[Update a while later]
Per some of the comments, I can’t actually remember when the last time was that I was sick. I suspect I have a pretty strong immune system (may be a combination of my mostly-keto diet and a lot of fasting). I have to fly to DC in a couple weeks for a deposition, but I’m not really sweating it.
The Virus
…has been oversold.
At some point, the people will simply rebel.
And a depressing post from Virginia Postrel about “the new normal.”
[Update a few minutes later]
In which the former editor of Reason magazine is called a “lefty Marxist.”
There’s a mountain of evidence that it’s effective.
How many people have died due to this latest Trump derangement?
Mask Shaming
…causes a scuffle in Manhattan Beach. This happened just a couple miles from us.
…is the natural product of our educational system.
Fortunately, as noted there, the pandemic has done much to pop that bubble, and make people rethink the whole thing. To the degree that government funding is involved, we need to start funding students, not systems.
[Update a while later]
Woke colleges are an assembly line for conformity.
Get Out Of The Way, FDA
Yes, Trump should issue an executive order on this, except unfortunately, it would taint the concept.
NYC’s Refugees
How to bring them back home.
Unfortunately, Cuomo and De Blasio aren’t up to the job.