I largely agree with Andy McCarthy’s requiem. Trump has always been his own worst enemy. I have no hope for the Biden/Harris presidency, other than taking back the House, and perhaps the Senate, in two years. But they’ll only be able to do damage with executive orders, because I think that both houses are already gridlocked, though with nominal Democrat control.
Category Archives: Health
Delaying Aging
A new genetic therapy, from China, seems promising.
News You Probably Can’t Use
Why do men have to wait for Round 2?
I’d never given it much thought; I just figured it was one more way that women get a better deal, at least when it comes to sex.
Teachers’ Unions
They should be abolished, but fat chance of that in this administration.
Nanoparticle Immunization Technology
…shows promise against a range of coronaviruses.
I wonder if it would provide immunity against colds?
An Abusive Relationship
Fifteen ways to know you’re in one.
Just wow.
More things to do with it. It’s not just for coronavirus.
I’m pretty sure I predicted months ago that this pandemic was going to give us new tools that would be useful far beyond Covid. Like telework, telemedicine, and telelearning, it’s one of the silver linings.
Two Thirds Of The Way
The petition to recall Newsom has a million signatures.
Variants And Vaccines
Extensive but worthwhile thoughts from Derek Lowe.
Covid Life In LA
Our experience has been quite similar to Virginia Postrel’s, and we feel very fortunate. I can’t imagine how terrible it must be to be cramped in an apartment with too many people, or what a nightmare this has been for parents with children. I haven’t seen divorce statistics for the year, but I’m sure they must be record level.