This is huge, if it pans out.
Category Archives: Health
Scamocracy In America
Thoughts on the descent into a post-Constitutional era.
“Too Long For Me To Read”
That should be the title of the lying fraud’s book.
The Lab Leak
BS “Science”
This is a stupid way to determine maximum human lifespan. There is no maximum human lifespan. All that is needed is to come up with a way for the body to self repair indefinitely, and to do so violates no laws of physics. #ScientistsSay
Fixing The Liver
Reducing LDL cholesterol in monkeys by gene therapy, and decreasing insulin resistance and fatty liver disease by blocking a protein.
Faster, please.
The Age Of Coercive Control
Yes, we are in an abusive relationship with our government.
[Update a while later]
The Rich And Powerful
Freedom Begins To Return
…as the masks come off ( both figuratively and literally).