…as long as the left needs them to shame their political enemies.
Category Archives: Health
“Our” Covid Policies
Few of them make any sense.
And it’s not getting any better.
Anti-Vaccine People
…aren’t the only ones that need persuading.
This risk aversion is worse than “unhealthy.” It is tyrannical. Just look at Australia.
The Kardashian Butt
…must die.
A little light reading. I agree. As with boobs, quality over quantity.
Hey, Biden Voters?
…are overstepping their boundaries.
“The entire pandemic has felt like an exercise in seeing just how much authority governments and corporations could gradually exert over everyone else.”
A Cost/Benefit Analysis
…shows that the lockdowns weren’t worth it.
Surprising me not at all.
[Update a while later]
They need it to continue their tyranny.
Still Think Joe Isn’t Too Old?
Treacher is scathing today.
[Update a while later]
Joe Biden is who we said he was.
Yes. The amount of delusion that he was what the country needed was breathtaking.
Get Enough Sleep At The Right Time
…to prevent Alzheimers?
Vaccine Hesitancy
A guide to understanding it.