…could use some help.
Category Archives: Health
The Great Barrington Declaration
I sat at a luncheon table with Bhattacharya in Omaha last October.
Food Myths
Busted: High-fat dairy, meat, and salt are good for you, and processed grains are terrible.
And no one will be held accountable for the unscientific nonsense that western governments have been dishing out for decades that have caused so much illness, death, and misery.
The Democrats
Let them destroy each other.
As Napoleon said, never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.
Dairy Fat
Eat more of it for a healthy heart.
Masking Kids
Yes, it’s stupid. There is zero science behind it.
Gary Taubes
Did his own institute disprove his nutrition theory?
I’d like to see details on the study. This article focuses on weight loss, and ignores other health benefits of not eating crap. I’ve certainly not been doing it for weight loss, but rather to reduce my serum cholesterol and triglycerides, and improve my A1C. Also, if you’re converting fat to muscle, you’re not losing weight, but you’re getting a lot healthier.
“Science,” They Said
VDH on the increasing ridiculousness of our vaunted public-health establishment.
A Fatally Flawed Paradigm
How it has derailed the science of obesity.
Why it is in serious jeopardy.