The protein quality is inferior (as I would have guessed). The best way, in terms of nutrition, to process plants into meat is to run them through an animal’s digestive system.
Category Archives: Health
The Left’s Bungled Revolution
I hope this is right. We’ll find out next November, but there’s a lot of damage that can be done to the nation between now and then.
Longevity News
Via Peter Diamandis, I just discovered this daily newsletter, that anyone can sign up for.
Is it causing a lot of this trans nonsense?
It seems plausible to me. A lot of porn is terrible, and creates unrealistic expectations of what normal sex should be like. It’s generally a really bad way to learn about it, and it’s particularly brutal on the girls.
It’s A Bad Day For Democrats
…which means it’s a great day for America.
[Update mid-afternoon]
Without Trump, there’s no horse in the hospital.
De Santis appears to me to be trying to capture the best features of Trump, while avoiding the terrible ones.
“Transphobic” Lesbians
This is getting ridiculous. If I don’t want to sleep with a guy who thinks he’s a woman, it’s not because I’m “transphobic.” It’s because I am extremely heterosexual, and have not only zero, but negative interest in physically interacting with, or even looking at male genitals. Now if it’s an attractive woman who thinks she’s a man, that’s a different story, but it doesn’t seem like a good idea to engage in sexual relations with people who are funny in the head.
Treating Type II Diabetes
Vaccine Mandates For Cops
…are bound to backfire.
The True New Jim Crow
[Via Instapundit, who notes that our ruling class is inconsistent, but makes up for it by being stupid and cruel]
No More Needles?
A non-invasive means of measuring blood glucose. Millions of people could use this.