What will the post-pandemic world look like?
It won’t be pretty for the “elites.”
…still needs help, and still recovering from being literally struck by lightning.
…shows how insane NYC school rules are.
[Update a while later]
The Great Barrington Declaration, vindicated.
…allowed too many to pervert their power.
Lord Acton nailed it.
It never made sense, and they’re starting to recognize it (partly because they know how much failure to do so will accentuate the electoral disaster for the Democrats in ten months). But they’ll never apologize:
After two years of this exhausting disaster, it does finally seem as if the light is appearing through the dark fog. We are slouching our way to endemicity. Over time, too, the wisdom and reasonableness of the Great Barrington Declaration will be widely granted. Not yet but in time.
It’s too bad that we aren’t hearing apologies. We aren’t hearing people admit that they were wrong. We are seeing none of these experts who said they would give us a Covid-free world if we just let them control our lives and take our liberties. I do think such apologies right now would take the country and the world a long way down the path to healing.
What we have instead is a traumatized people who wonder what the heck hit them for the last two years. It’s bad enough to deal with a nasty virus. It’s far worse to deal with the sudden end of the stream of life as we know it and then have nothing to show for it.
One thing we may have to show for it is a dramatically new Congress.
[Update a while later]
The laptop class gets covid.
[Tuesday-morning update]
Dan Hannan: We must accept this as an endemic disease.
[Update Wednesday afternoon]
This Joe Rogan interview is amazing. The pharmas planned it. And our public-health authorities (and the media) are responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands because they discouraged treatment.
[Thursday-afternoon update]
As he notes, the primary task at this point is to regain our liberty, but I don’t trust the current government officials to allow it. We’ll simply have to take them back.
It’s this week, and I usually attend, since I can drive down to San Diego, but the covid restrictions are too much of a PITA for me to want to invest the time and money. It’s not AIAA’s fault; it’s idiotic California restrictions. I wonder if they’ll decide to move it to Florida if this continues?
It’s up 40%, and it’s not just covid. I wonder how much it is vaccines? I’m sure they don’t want us to know.
Ben Shapiro points out the hypocrisy.