Category Archives: Health
About That Creature In Canada
Thoughts on the absurdities to which the “trans” movement has taken us.
[Monday update]
If that guy is trolling the system, that could be wonderful.
The Covid Fascists
Despite the Democrats’ desires, never forget them, or what they did, especially to the children.
Particularly, remember when you vote in a few weeks.
The “Reality-Based” Party
Almost a quarter of Democrats think that men can get pregnant.
How The Middle Class Views Their Current Rulers
…with well-earned disdain.
[Update a few minutes later]
This would seem related.
I don’t think this is going to help the Democrats in November.
The Wonders Of Obamacare
Life expectancy has plunged.
The Covid Reckoning
Vaccines For Children
Denmark is effectively outlawing them.
I think there’s a lot that we are not being told about the “vaccines.”
About That new study On Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria
A long but interesting critique, demonstrating that it’s worthless.