…is back from the dead.
Just in time for our trial in June.
…is back from the dead.
Just in time for our trial in June.
This guy lost me at the calorie-restricted vegan diet.
I hope that this is just the first of many miracle cures.
Sadly, we’re apparently about to lose one of the great bloggers. If you’re the praying sort, spare some for him.
[Wednesday update]
Neo comes out.
I was not expecting that. My best wishes to both of them.
I’m completely unsurprised. I do continue to look forward to actual artificial meat, though, particularly pork.
Actual science doesn’t require a definite article.
It’s only one of many. There’s the climate cult, the trans cult, the ESG cult…
A new study says that it is unethical to mandate boosters for young people.
[Update Saturday morning]
Fauci leaves a broken agency to his successor.
He should be stripped of his pension, at the very least.
[Update a few minutes later]
Shredding away the Covid insanity.