…is still vulnerable. This should be the key issue in 2014 to retake the Senate.
Category Archives: Health
Telomere Length And Aging
There seems to be a correlation.
So what’s cause, and what’s effect, or are they both effects of some other cause?
Also, how much does it cost to determine one’s telomere length? And what are the prospects for increasing it, if that is indeed helpful?
Obama’s First Term
I don’t know what happened to the Tea Party this fall, but this will reenergize it for 2014. And there are a lot of Democrat Senate seats up…
Vitamin D
Well, this is certainly counterintuitive:
“We found that the offspring of nonagenarians who had at least 1 nonagenarian sibling had lower levels of vitamin D than controls, independent of possible confounding factors and SNPs [single nucleotide polymorphisms] associated with vitamin D levels,” write the authors. “We also found that the offspring had a lower frequency of common genetic variants in the CYP2R1 gene; a common genetic variant of this gene predisposes people to high vitamin D levels.
These findings support an association between low vitamin D levels and familial longevity.” They postulate that offspring of nonagenarians might have more of a protein that is hypothesized to be an “aging suppressor” protein. More research is needed to understand the link between lower vitamin D levels, genetic variants and familial longevity.
Of course, correlation is not causation. For now, I think I’ll continue to supplement.
Speaking Of Paleo Diets
Best wishes to Charlie Martin. I predict it will work.
For what it’s worth, my dad died at fifty-five, a third of a century ago, in large part due to criminal dietary advice (OK, maybe that’s a little too strong — they probably knew no better) and my mother at sixty-eight to a massive heart attack in the night, in her sleep. At least for her, it was fast. And in both cases they were overweight smokers, a product of their generation.
It’s Not Just Paleo
More on North Carolina’s war on dietary freedom of speech.
Healing Brains
This increases my conviction that it’s good for uninjured brains, too, because there are no uninjured brains, when it comes to aging.
Want To Live Longer?
Go on a low-carb ketogenic diet.
Gerard Van Der Leun
Happy Rebirthday!
Free Speech
A judicial blow against it. Go support the Institute for Justice in their continuing battle against this outrageous ruling.