How do we know who to believe?
Category Archives: Health
…is a grotesque symptom of a much larger problem.
[Tuesday-morning update]
The Biden crime family is all of DC.
The Power To Regulate
…is the power to destroy. There is no such thing as an “independent” agency, in terms of its being part of the executive branch, and under the control of the president.
Suspension Of Disbelief
…and self delusion of experts.
Evolution In Action
Woman dies from a terrible diet.
The Great Cloud Of Disrepute
Reflections on the recent global societal disaster. And unfortunately, there will be no apologies, or consequences.
[Monday morning update]
The Incompetocracy
The Original Sin Of US Health Policy
It goes back over a century. And ObamaCare didn’t address it, and just made it worse.
Covid’s Origins
…and the death of trust.
[Update Friday morning]
How the Covid panic infected freedom of choice.
Gavin Newsom
The president nobody needs.