A nice article about small-town America. I remember taking the Pennsylvania turnpike as a kid in the sixties on the way from Michigan to New York, and going through the town, with all its motels, and stopping there for lunch. It’s also a crossroad to head south to DC.
Category Archives: General
The Wind In The Heights
Gerard VanderLeun remembers that day.
From Jews To The Gentiles
A friendly Rosh HaShanah message.
When we lived in Boca, it really did seem like God’s waiting room.
Man, the place can’t catch a break.
On the up side, it’s another opportunity for the Clintons to do well by “doing good.”
A Nice Story
Paul Spudis
At the request of his widow, Anne, I have updated this post from about three years ago to correct the record.
12 Anti-Free-Speech Arguments
XKCD is great when it sticks to science and tech, not so much when it comes to the First Amendment.
On The Road Again
We’re flying to Denver this afternoon, and driving up to Wyoming on Monday, returning to CA the following Monday. I’ll have a laptop with me, but blogging may be light. Consider this an open thread, but be good in comments.
Amazing Illusion
Happy Easter
…to all of my Christian readers.