Category Archives: General

A Little Obscene

I found the last ceremony at the grave site the most emotionally wrenching.

The eulogies of the children were not about his impact on the world, but about his impact on them, as a father. It seemed much more personal and heartbreaking to me, because while I admired Reagan, I knew him only as a politician, and I didn’t love him.

Holding the folded flag, Nancy goes up to the now-bare casket, and lays her head on it one last time, saying goodbye to her husband of over half a century. Her children come in to comfort her. I hear a lot of chattering noise in the background, and I suspect that it was a multitude of camera shutters.

Somehow this last seemed, to me, a huge invasion of privacy of the family. But as Patti said in her written eulogy last weekend, she knew she had to share him with an entire nation. Apparently, right up to the end.

Family Resemblence

I’ve never noticed it before, but looking at the audience as the president speaks in the National Cathedral, and seeing them side by side, Patti Davis shares many of her mother’s facial features.

Poor Schmuck

I just got a call on my business line from a guy who was peddling the dead-tree LA Times.

Me: No, thank you. I’ve no use at all for that paper. My parakeet died, by puppy’s been trained, and I don’t fish any more, so I don’t need the wrap.

Him: But it’s only $2.75 a week! What can we do to get you to subscribe?

Me: How much will you pay me to read it?

Him: I love this job. Have a good day, sir.


Sooner or later pretty much everyone with libertarian leanings comes up with the idea of living on the sea in international waters, and I’m no exception. This came up in a conversation with Sean Lynch at the Space Access Society conference, and he pointed me to a very interesting site by some people who are actually making serious plans to do just that. I was on the Oceania project mailing list for most of its life, so I got a chance to see one way not to do this. The greatest value of the Seasteading site is its list of things that have been tried, a much larger list than you might expect. The only real success so far is Sealand, but it’s not for lack of trying.

Continue reading Seasteading

Public Service Announcement

Apparently about eighty percent of spam is being generated by zombie machines (i.e., home computers that have been taken over by trojans, and are sending out massive emails without the owner even being aware).

Folks, if you don’t have at least a software firewall, like Zone Alarm (there is a free version), you are part of the problem. As cheap as hardware firewalls are these days, there is no excuse to have an unsecured machine with a permanent internet connection.