He has a new memoir out, that’s getting pretty good reviews. He has led a hell of a life.
Category Archives: General
Light Posting
We’re driving up to the Bay Area to attend this event this weekend. I’ll have the laptop, but probably not much time to post.
Aquatic Disaster
Patricia heard a noise in the middle of the night that she described as “gnashing of teeth.” When I went out to look at the pond this morning, it was almost empty, with a couple of the large rocks that line the edge of it having fallen into it, and apparently having cut the liner. Likely it was a raccoon trying to get the fish, who tipped the rocks over and fell in. Fortunately, at least some of the fish, including the one koi, are still in the bottom, but I’m going to have to find and repair the leak before I can refill it, and with fish in it, I’m going to have to neutralize the chlorine when I add water. And it’s a chilly day to be dealing with it.
Late-afternoon update]
Well, if I have a leak, it isn’t in the pond. I added some water that had been sitting overnight in a bucket to evaporate off the chlorine, and it didn’t go down. If it doesn’t go down overnight, I’ll turn the stream back on and see if that’s where the leak is.
[Friday-morning update]
The pond didn’t go down overnight, but when I turned on the stream, I found the leak. It was backing up to the beginning of it, beyond the liner.
On The Road Again
We left Denver today after the game, and are spending the night in Moab. On to Vegas tomorrow, then back in LA on Monday. Be good in comments.
New Computer Problem
OK, now I’ve got severe lag on both mouse and keyboard, to the point that the machine is unusable. And it’s not a software issue; it is happening when I boot into either Windows or Linux. It’s wireless keyboard and mouse, but they’re brand new. Any ideas?
[Afternoon update]
I moved the USB dongle to a different port, and it’s fine now.
Happy Thanksgiving
I’m posting this from Windows in the new computer (I ended up using the Microsoft tool to build a boot drive). I’m loading software on it now, while following my Thanksgiving tradition of watching the Lions lose.
Given the events of the past year since the election, it’s hard to be thankful, but I’m guessing that we’ll have a lot more to be after the election next year, if the country survives the lunatics currently running it that long.
But we have our health, and we’re financially comfortable. I’m continuing to look forward to the next year, and years in space, and feel like we are finally on the verge of achieving the things I’ve been hoping for for decades.
Here are some interesting links: Why we should be thankful for the Pilgrims, and no, we didn’t steal the land from the natives. The latter isn’t a new piece, but it’s a useful corrective to those who oppose the settlement of space because it’s “colonialization.”
I hope that all of my readers are having a good day as well.
[Late-afternoon update]
It’s the four hundredth anniversary of the first Thanksgiving.
Light Posting
It took us three days to drive from LA to Denver (we stopped in Phoenix to stay with Patricia’s sister the first night, and in Cortez the second). Been very busy since we got here dealing with the house, and getting ready for Thanksgiving.
Off The Air
I was at the Space Settlement Summit over the weekend, and didn’t have a computer with me. Sorry for not warning on Friday.
No More Needles?
A non-invasive means of measuring blood glucose. Millions of people could use this.
Laughing Wolf
…could use some help.