Category Archives: General

It’s 8:45, Do You Know Where Your Cat Is?

Patricia has been trying to keep the guest bedroom cat-free, in deference to potential allergenic guests. But occasionally she forgets, and Jessica, for whatever perverse feline reason, has decided that it’s her favorite room (in fact, her very own room, which we unjustly keep her out of), and lives for the times that the door gets left open.

She’s not thrilled to be caught in the act, but on the other hand, she can’t be bothered to show much deference to our recognition of her insubordination. She’s too mellow and relaxed, and she is, after all, a cat.

It’s 8:45, Do You Know Where Your Cat Is?

Patricia has been trying to keep the guest bedroom cat-free, in deference to potential allergenic guests. But occasionally she forgets, and Jessica, for whatever perverse feline reason, has decided that it’s her favorite room (in fact, her very own room, which we unjustly keep her out of), and lives for the times that the door gets left open.

She’s not thrilled to be caught in the act, but on the other hand, she can’t be bothered to show much deference to our recognition of her insubordination. She’s too mellow and relaxed, and she is, after all, a cat.

It’s 8:45, Do You Know Where Your Cat Is?

Patricia has been trying to keep the guest bedroom cat-free, in deference to potential allergenic guests. But occasionally she forgets, and Jessica, for whatever perverse feline reason, has decided that it’s her favorite room (in fact, her very own room, which we unjustly keep her out of), and lives for the times that the door gets left open.

She’s not thrilled to be caught in the act, but on the other hand, she can’t be bothered to show much deference to our recognition of her insubordination. She’s too mellow and relaxed, and she is, after all, a cat.

Up Too Late

…last night watching that weird bowl game. You know, they have the cliche about “no one deserved to lose,” but I think that in that game, both teams deserved to lose. They certainly both tried hard enough to do so. It was like watching Michigan play itself.

Unfinished Business

There remains a lot of bad blood between the Wolverines and Cornhuskers, after many felt that Michigan should have had a sole national title in 1997, after Nebraska’s “soccer play” in the end zone that should have cost them the game against Missouri, and a sense that the co-championship was a retirement gift to their coach.

Well, tonight, the issue as to who’s the best will definitely be resolved, at least this year, though of course it will tell us nothing about what would have happened in a matchup between the 1997 teams.

[Update after the game]


Did they just beat the record for the number of laterals in a single play? As my (semi(?)-lapsed Catholic) sister-in-law said, “That wasn’t just a Hail Mary–it was the whole damn rosary.”

Merry Christmas To All

…all my Christian readers, that is. The rest of you can go suck eggs. Or enjoy the holiday anyway, as I will. And my very best wishes are reserved for those in “the sandbox,” trying to help make a better Middle East, at the potential cost of their lives and limbs, and at the definite cost of a holiday at home with their families.

And to all a good night.

[Note: this message will be on top for a while, so don’t let that stop you from scrolling down to look for any potential new content. On the other hand, there probably won’t be a lot under the circumstances…]

[Update a few minutes later]

All right, happy Channukah to my Jewish readers as well, though we all know that it’s a pretty minor holiday as Jewish holidays go, and none of us goyim would pay any attention at all if it hadn’t been set up as an alternative to Christmas so the Jewish kids wouldn’t feel left out.

And as for Kwanza…please. Well, OK. If I have any readers who actually celebrate it, have a good one.

And to heck with you Festivus people. Get a non-nihilistic religion.

Video Bleg

Any HD geeks out there?

I’m looking at this television, which is on sale at Costco for less than a grand.

It looks good, but I found this one review that’s giving me a little heartburn, because we have DirecTV, and planned to upgrade to a triple LNB dish and new HD TIVO receiver.

It is an excellent set for HD OTA and regular definition satellite receiver. But I recently upgraded to an HD receiver for DirecTV and found out it doesn’t have the capability to keep up with the HD satellite receiver. There is a phenomena called macroblocking that occurs since the digital picture cannot be translated properly. Defined – it is an awful picture on the 480i channels, which means about 95 of my programs looked awful.

I searched all over the web, and couldn’t find any other reference to this problem. Is it a real one, or is this an isolated problem for this one reviewer, either because (s)he didn’t understand how to set it up, or there was something defective about that unit?

Dell Hell

I build my own machines, and having had to deal with upgrading Dells from friends and relatives (and my work laptop as well, since that what the company that I’m working with insists on buying) would never, ever consider buying one.

But now Jane Galt, who has heretofore sung their praises, has finally learned her lesson as well. Not a pretty Christmas story (though I have to confess that my sympathy is not abundant, given my previous attitude toward Dell).