I just got a spam. Subject: “Beware of fake pills.”
Category Archives: General
A Disturbance In The Force
Well, actually, in the tropical Atlantic. Is Felix forming? And will it be a repeat of Dean? That’s what the current models look like, at least in terms of track. If so, let’s hope that it’s not similar in intensity.
Busy day (and week) ahead, but if I don’t post anything else today, happy birthday, Glenn!
Keep ’em coming. That’s my advice for a long life–have lots of birthdays.
The Sun Also Sets
Key West is a sand-covered mountain, almost 2135 millimeters above sea level. It is said that it is one of the highest mountains in the range called the Florida Keys. They jut up far above the Atlantic, and can be seen from hundreds of yards away by the approaching sailors. But only when the pull of the moon is low, and the seas are calm, and the two-foot waves don’t blot out the view.
Key West is the furthest southern point in the land they call the United States of America. Except for Hawaii. At that southern point, there is a buoy that says “Havana–ninety miles.” Havana, where the young women roll the cigars between their dusky, unshaven thighs, after tromping the leaves with their muy sexy unshod feet.
Lying in the road by the buoy is a dead six-toed cat. It has been there for days. No one knows what the cat was seeking at that latitude.
We went to Key West. The woman and I walked the streets that he walked.
Key West was hot. It was very hot. Imagine the hottest place that you have ever been. Then imagine ten times that hot. Then imagine harder. You still will have no conception of how hot it was.
The sweat dripped down our faces, searing our eyes with the salt of our dessicating bodies. The sweat poured down. It poured down like the thick, rich red blood gushing out of the buttocks of a fat tourist, who did not outrun the bull in Pamplona.
The sun blazed above us, like a giant ball of flaming gases, burning at temperatures of millions of degrees.
It burned our skin. It burned our skin in such a way that even the soothing balm of aloe from the CVS could not cure. It reddened it, reddened it like the lobsters on which we supped in the evenings, after the sun had dropped into the sea, with the sweat still running down us. The lobsters were out of season, so they were fresh-frozen. But they were lobsters.
We drank drinks. Strong drinks. Manly drinks, though she was, and still is, despite the fact that we were in Key West, a woman. Not a fresh-frozen woman, though the women were out of season as well.
We also drank sweet drinks. Drinks with umbrellas in them, to forget. To forget what?
We don’t know. We forgot.
Was it the drinks? Was it the low ceiling in the converted attic in which we stayed and for which we paid over two hundred bucks a night? And because we were not munchkins, or hunchbacks, continually confused walls and ceilings, and disrupted them with our noggins, and bled profusely from our scalps?
It could be the concussions talking, but we forgot.
It made us rethink our lives, and their purpose. It made us rethink our vacation planning methods. And then, with the skin peeling from the backs of our arms, and the backs of our legs, and backs of…well…our backs…we left.
They Came To Their Senses
Lileks won’t be covering sewer bond proposals, after all. He’s got a whole new gig at the Strib.
[Update in the late afternoon]
Hey, the guy is actually blogging! For pay!
It’s not just the daily Bleat. He’s got a whole new bunch of posts since I linked it this morning. You can actually refresh and see fresh stuff throughout the day. Just like a blog!
Rube Goldberg Lives!
What would we do without geeks with too much time on their hands?
To The Space Show’s David Livingston, on the death of his mother.
Nasty Email Spam Alert
I just got a message from “Greetings.com”:
Hello friend !
You have just received a postcard Greeting from someone who cares about you…Just click here to receive your Animated Greeting !
Thank you for using www.Greetings.com services !!!
Please take this opportunity to let your friends hear about us by sending them a postcard from our collection !
If you “click here” it takes you to an executable at some web site. I don’t know what it does, and I’m not in a mood to experiment. When you get an email like this that’s generic (that is, it wasn’t specifically addressed to you by name, and it doesn’t tell you who sent the greeting) it’s a good bet that it’s spam of some kind. If you wave the mouse over the link, and it’s a different link than the one it purports to be (particularly if the end of the URL is “exe”) stay far away from it.
[Update a few minutes later]
Jeez. Talk about people who shouldn’t be allowed on the Internet:
To see how easy it was to lure in users via Google’s AdWords, Stevens bought the drive-by-download.info domain and placed an AdWords ad reading:
Drive-By Download
Is your PC virus-free?
Get it infected here!
Stevens has run the campaign for six months now, with 259,723 ad displays, and says he has had 409 clickthroughs.
The ad has cost him only 17 euros so far, which by Stevens’ reckoning adds up to €0.04 per potentially compromised machine. Most of the systems visiting the site, 98 percent, ran Windows.
“I’m sure I could get much more traffic with a higher Google Adwords budget and a better-designed ad,” Stevens said in a blog posting.
Scum, in (almost) human form. If I were so unfortunate as to be on this creature’s blogroll, I’d request removal.
It’s A Small Gesture
…but one I can get behind. Left-lane drivers unite.
The inability of many people to recognize the purpose of the left lane is easily the reason for at least half of traffic congestion.