Category Archives: General

Best Wishes

It’s been rumored for several months that Burt Rutan has been under the weather. He certainly didn’t look great when I talked to him briefly in the hallway in Long Beach in September.

Without getting into details, I now have it on very good authority that he underwent (or is undergoing) surgery this morning in California. My understanding is that, if successful, the prognosis will be good, and he’ll be doing much better soon. If you’re the praying type, and think it does him any good, then you might want to do that. But if you do, it might be best not to tell him. Me, I’ll just hope for the best.

I Don’t Feel Quite So Badly Now

I’m not the only one having issues with Movable Type:

I have succeeded in loading Style Contest templates into my style browser, and have applied them, and been informed I have successfully applied them and republished the site, and they do not show up. In fact it managed to destroy the page entirely, putting all the columns at the bottom of the page. Time to rip it up and start from scratch.

Don’t email me until I send up flares. I need to figure this out myself.

Good luck with that, James.

I Don’t Feel Quite So Badly Now

I’m not the only one having issues with Movable Type:

I have succeeded in loading Style Contest templates into my style browser, and have applied them, and been informed I have successfully applied them and republished the site, and they do not show up. In fact it managed to destroy the page entirely, putting all the columns at the bottom of the page. Time to rip it up and start from scratch.

Don’t email me until I send up flares. I need to figure this out myself.

Good luck with that, James.

I Don’t Feel Quite So Badly Now

I’m not the only one having issues with Movable Type:

I have succeeded in loading Style Contest templates into my style browser, and have applied them, and been informed I have successfully applied them and republished the site, and they do not show up. In fact it managed to destroy the page entirely, putting all the columns at the bottom of the page. Time to rip it up and start from scratch.

Don’t email me until I send up flares. I need to figure this out myself.

Good luck with that, James.

And To All A Good Night

I don’t know how much I’ll be posting before Wednesday, but this will stay bumped at the top, so look below it for fresh stuff. Have a great Christmas, for those who celebrate it, and a great holiday in general, even if you don’t.

A Deadly Combo

It was one of the driest seasons on record in Southern California this year. The grass and weeds in the local mountains was certainly tinder dry. With the arrival of the hot Santa Ana winds, the area was ripe for a fire, and sure enough, Malibu is in flames. I remember years ago going down to the strand in Manhattan Beach, and looking across the dark South Bay at the orange glow across the water the last time this happened.

It’s a beautiful area to live, but the wealthy residents should have to carry their own insurance. But I suspect that, just is the case on barrier islands and other flood and fire zones, they’ll get help from the federal taxpayers, most of whom make much less than Malibu residents, and can’t afford to live in such places, to rebuild once again.

[Update in the afternoon]

Wow, this sounds like it might be the worst Malibu fire in history. I’m hearing that Malibu Canyon is aflame, including the Presbyterian Church (if it’s the one I’m thinking of, it has a beautiful view of the ocean below–I attended a college roommate’s wedding there years ago), the Malibu Castle is engulfed in flames, and I’m sure that Hughes Research Lab (or whatever it’s called these days after all the acquisitions) and Pepperdine are threatened.

Fame, If Not Fortune

I had a first on Friday night–a Lileks-like moment. I’m often recognized by my name badge at space conferences, but when I checked in at the American counter at LAX on Friday night, the agent recognized my name on my driver’s license, and asked if I was the space blogger. He told me that space was supposed to be about exploration, not a jobs program. I told him that it actually was a jobs program, but that it should be about space settlement.

Anyway, thanks for the service–usually I have to schlep my bag over to the X-ray myself, but he told me that for Fort Lauderdale, he could put it on the conveyor behind him.