Category Archives: General

A Pro Tip

Don’t gash your knee horizontally right on the patella. I did it early Tuesday morning when I bumped into a glass framed picture in the dark. It also made a bloody mess on the bedroom carpet. Alcohol was not involved. Much.

I got staples in it today and it hurts like hell to bend it, and probably will for the next week or two until they’re removed. There’s just a lot of tension there when you stretch the skin, and the staples pull on it. I’ll be hobbling around for a while, especially up and down stairs. It will also be an ongoing joy to work a clutch. Fortunately, it doesn’t affect typing, except I have to work a little further back from the screen/keyboard because of my outstretched leg.

This may or may not be TMI.

[Thursday-morning update]

Thanks for all the well wishes in comments. It’s actually feeling better today. It will probably be stiff until I get the staples removed and relieve the tension on the skin, but I’m walking almost normally, albeit gingerly.


…some meditations:

I’m thinking: no dog, no bag hoarding instincts, no barf-containment. No iPod location mystery, no sorting through the glove compartment, no instantly-available barf bag. The reason this day didn’t end with a stinky car can be directly traced to the moment I walked past a pet shop in Uptown in April 1996, looked in the window, and saw my dog.

Wife took him for a walk later. He was slow. Very slow. “He’s not going to be with us much longer,” she said. Resigned. Then hopeful: “But I’ve been saying that for three years.”

“You saw him when the food showed up. Annoying as a puppy. Where did he take you tonight?”

“Well, I let him go where he wanted, and we went up the hill to the water tower, and then back down, and when we got home he didn’t want to go up the steps so he went down the street, and I thought he would go up the back steps, but he looked at me, like ‘I’m not done,’ and we walked east and around the neighborhood again. But it was dark and he can’t see anything.”

“But he can smell.”

Nearly deaf and nearly blind, and the world is still a story, every scent a character, every strong odor a twist in the plot. The dog walks outside and the world is his iPod, and it’s always set on shuffle. So it is for us all, really. If you have a dog you know how they come to the door and stand there waiting for you to let them out. Standing at the glass door. The wall that keeps the odors out. They can see, but they can’t smell. Daily life for us is just like that. If you’re lucky someone opens the door and all the glories rush over you.

It’s days like these that you realize how much you miss. For once, you saw all the connections. You suspect there are just as many threads between the now and the then every other day. Probably more. Would you go mad if you considered them? Would you exult to discover how everything braids itself together, fear for the action ten years gone that will explode down the road, anticipate the bloom that grows from a casual act last month? Sure. All of that. All these things. You can’t act if you remember everything. You shouldn’t act if you remember nothing.

What a writer. And he does it almost every single day.

Still Bad

…but Irene may not be as catastrophic as it appeared yesterday. It looks to me like the most likely major consequence, beyond flooding, will be a lot of power outage. Regardless, you should always be prepared. As Frank J says, it’s a hurricane, not a procrastinate-cane.

[Update a while later]

If you want to support relief efforts, both in the Bahamas and (next week) on the east coast, this is probably a good organization.