Sea-level rise remains stable, and no signs of catastrophe.
Category Archives: General Science
A New Form Of Ice
As noted, we continue to not know what we don’t know about H2O. I wonder at what temperatures it maintains the properties, and if it will have any practical applications.
The NIH is telling people to supplement with vitamin D.
I wonder how many lives would have been saved if they’d said that three years ago? And maybe we’ll start taking lysine, too, given how cheap it is.
[Update a couple minutes later]
Gee, D may reduce the chance of suicide, too.
It really is an underrated miracle hormone.
How Humans Burn Calories
Some interesting and surprising new research.
What the article doesn’t address, though, is the metabolic effect of different diets, which also influences calories burning. It does, though, reinforce the saying that “you can’t run away from a bad diet.”
I’m Sorry, Dave, But I Can’t Do That
ChatGPT is now (among other things) refusing to defend fossil fuel use.
The Unvaccinated
How they (that is, we) got it right.
Rubble Piles
Asteroids may be a bigger problem than we thought.
One thought: Weave a giant net out of space-sourced materials and consolidate it, then tow with a gravity tractor. Or hell, a gravity tractor would probably work without the net.
Al Gore
No, dumbass, the oceans are not “boiling.”
The Deep Blue Sea
No, we don’t know more about the moon than the sea bottom. We haven’t even started to drill it.
AI Fuel
Are we running out? An interesting essay.