Category Archives: General Science

Yes, It’s Right

Phil Bowermaster is wondering if there’s something dodgy about the math here.

No, this is in fact a standard technique for determining the sum of an infinite series, which is in fact what 0.999… is (it could be expressed as the sum, from n=0 to infinity, of the expression 9 times 10 to the minus n). Perhaps, as one commenter notes, it’s the word “precisely” that’s hanging people up, but certainly that number is equal to one, whatever modifier you want to put on it or leave off.

[Update in the afternoon]

I’m not sure I follow the commenter’s objection. He claims that no matter what you start out with as “a” you get a=1. I don’t see that.

Try it with two, as suggested.

a = 2
10a = 20
10a – a = 20 – 2
9a = 18

Ergo, a = 2.

In fact, do it with 1.999…

10a = 19.999…
9a = 18
a = 2

As I said, it’s a standard technique for expressing repitends as whole numbers or fractions.


But pretty cool. Behold, metallic oxygen. It’s red.

And I wouldn’t bet against someone coming up with a use for it. Or something like it:

…high-pressure techniques have already been used to create ultrahard materials such as diamond. Other chemicals, such as nitrogen and carbon monoxide, form solid polymers under pressure that store a lot of energy. If similar structures could be retained at atmospheric pressure, they might make excellent rocket fuel, suggests McMahon.

[Via Geek Press]


But pretty cool. Behold, metallic oxygen. It’s red.

And I wouldn’t bet against someone coming up with a use for it. Or something like it:

…high-pressure techniques have already been used to create ultrahard materials such as diamond. Other chemicals, such as nitrogen and carbon monoxide, form solid polymers under pressure that store a lot of energy. If similar structures could be retained at atmospheric pressure, they might make excellent rocket fuel, suggests McMahon.

[Via Geek Press]


But pretty cool. Behold, metallic oxygen. It’s red.

And I wouldn’t bet against someone coming up with a use for it. Or something like it:

…high-pressure techniques have already been used to create ultrahard materials such as diamond. Other chemicals, such as nitrogen and carbon monoxide, form solid polymers under pressure that store a lot of energy. If similar structures could be retained at atmospheric pressure, they might make excellent rocket fuel, suggests McMahon.

[Via Geek Press]