Category Archives: General Science
The Evolution Of Choo Choos
This article strikes me as bizarre and ignorant of the history of railroads. How can one talk about why we no longer have steam locomotives without talking about diesel locomotives? It’s like asking why we no longer use sail for cargo ships. Though, some people want to reinvent that, because climate.
No, OMB, that is not a race.
As Bernstein points out in his book, America’s official system of racial classification is absurd, and should be pointless and play no role in government policy.
It Should Be Safe To Be Unpopular
Thoughts on the woke religion and libertarianism.
Life On Earth
…is doomed, without us.
Age Reversal
A conversation with David Sinclair.
I agree with him that it’s simply a software problem.
Normies Of The World
This could be huge. And if it’s true, it might also partly validate Thomas Gold’s theory that natural gas is abiotic (and also unlimited).
Mask Mandates
“Trans” Kids
“I thought I was saving them.”
This is medical madness.