…of scientific consensus.
Category Archives: General Science
Climate Wars On Twitter
Climate loons can dish it out, but they can’t take it.
Michio Kaku’s Latest Book
It’s a must not read.
It’s A Big Universe
We’re essentially alone in it, and that’s OK.
Reversing Aging
Blood may hold the key.
They still have a lot to understand, but these are promising results.
News Only To Vegans
Yes, meat, dairy, and eggs are essential to healthy nutrition for humans.
[Evening update]
Over a thousands scientists sign a petition touting the health benefits of eating animal products.
Well, it was what we evolved to.
American Racial Classifications
Further thoughts on the absurdity. Elon Musk is in fact more “African American” than most American “black” people.
The Trans Bubble
…watching it burst.
It can’t happen soon enough.
News You Can Use
ED meds can be therapeutic for cardiovascular health.
I wonder if it would work for women as well? There’s probably insufficient data, but I imagine it would. And surely it wouldn’t hurt their sex life.
Climate “Tipping Points”
There probably aren’t any.