…can wipe out tumors. Faster, please.
Category Archives: General Science
News You Can Use
Whacking off (and maybe rubbing one out, for the ladies) is good for you.
I wonder if this is my problem? I should get a doctor to test for it.
Women are more averse to it than men. This doesn’t surprise me. There’s probably a good ev-psych reason for it.
[Sunday-morning update]
This seems related.
The Dangerous Delusion
…of scientific consensus.
Climate Wars On Twitter
Climate loons can dish it out, but they can’t take it.
Michio Kaku’s Latest Book
It’s a must not read.
It’s A Big Universe
We’re essentially alone in it, and that’s OK.
Reversing Aging
Blood may hold the key.
They still have a lot to understand, but these are promising results.
News Only To Vegans
Yes, meat, dairy, and eggs are essential to healthy nutrition for humans.
[Evening update]
Over a thousands scientists sign a petition touting the health benefits of eating animal products.
Well, it was what we evolved to.