If this study is valid, it looks like an effective treatment to reduce blood glucose.
Category Archives: General Science
Evolution In Action
Woman dies from a terrible diet.
Hot And Bothered About Heat Waves
No, we can’t conclude anything about climate change from them.
“In fact the most recent (2021) report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) does not support the common claims about drought, floods, hurricanes and other severe weather events. Not only does the last IPCC report find no clear trends, it offers “low confidence” in predictions of future trends.”
Energy Talking Points
This may be good prep for my upcoming trial of Mann’s defamation suit against me.
“Toxic” Masculinity
In (too rare these days) praise of it.
I personally find the idea of combat almost unimaginable.
Leftism And Long Covid
The correlation is strong. Perhaps leftism could be considered a form of mental illness.
Engineered White Blood Cells
…can wipe out tumors. Faster, please.
News You Can Use
Whacking off (and maybe rubbing one out, for the ladies) is good for you.
I wonder if this is my problem? I should get a doctor to test for it.
Women are more averse to it than men. This doesn’t surprise me. There’s probably a good ev-psych reason for it.
[Sunday-morning update]
This seems related.