…versus the “scientific” method.
Scientific method vs. actual scientific method … pic.twitter.com/LjU9oW0Tvc
— Brian D. Earp (@briandavidearp) June 2, 2014
…versus the “scientific” method.
Scientific method vs. actual scientific method … pic.twitter.com/LjU9oW0Tvc
— Brian D. Earp (@briandavidearp) June 2, 2014
He wrote himself a pretty awesome CV.
A livecam from Katmai National Park.
How simple is simple?
I don’t know, but it’s pretty clear that the models are oversimplifying, and the models are useless as a basis for public policy.
I’d missed this, but apparently Louise Riofrio’s book project met its funding goal. I’ll look forward to seeing it.
A new Youtube channel.
An analysis from Randall Munroe.
My thoughts on the latest discovery from the Kepler data, over at PJMedia.
I have some thoughts over at PJMedia.
They’ve found one.
Well, not really. It’s a hairless raccoon. As she notes, dogs don’t eat with their hands. And the guy who thinks that coons don’t growl apparently doesn’t have much experience with them. We saw one on the island in Fort Lauderdale a few years ago, at night, with a big crowd of viewers of the holiday boat parade. It was a spooky-looking creature.