Andy Weir says to send it to check out the water.
I’m pretty sure that would violate current planetary-protection protocols.
[Late-afternoon update]
Keith Cowing has a review of the movie up now.
Andy Weir says to send it to check out the water.
I’m pretty sure that would violate current planetary-protection protocols.
[Late-afternoon update]
Keith Cowing has a review of the movie up now.
Unfortunately, looks like it’s only partial on the Left Coast.
This is pretty cool. Of course, the Intelligent Designers will have a field day with it.
This is the sort of thing we’re going to have to figure out. But at least we’re building an unaffordable monster rocket.
News you can use, from Science.
Ours will tolerate tummy rubbing, for a while.
Congratulations to ESA.
Chimpanzees would cook if given the chance.
I’m don’t want him to be the nominee, but I agree with what he said. Judith Curry has unearthed an essay from over a century ago that explains the current problem with climate science.
Greg Benford says it’s about to get real.
There is no "Pluto of my imagination." I devote very little thought to Pluto. Never have.
— Rand Simberg (@Rand_Simberg) May 14, 2015