Looks like they should be great this year, with an almost new moon. Might drive up to the mountains or desert, if it’s clear.
Category Archives: General Science
Peer Review
(From a surprising source) let’s stop pretending that it works.
They can’t do that. It cuts the legs from under one of the primary weapons they use against critics of catastrophic anthropogenic climate change.
[Update a few minutes later]
Related: Senator Cruz’s climate hearing with Judith Curry, John Christie, Mark Steyn et all is today at noon PST. Get out the popcorn.
The endless debate: Are they domesticated? I think ours is, pretty much, but then, I think females are more than males. They don’t tend to wander as much, in my experience. Rerun doesn’t go more than a house or so away, AFAIK.
How Scientists Fool Themselves
…and how they can stop.
Andy Weir says to send it to check out the water.
I’m pretty sure that would violate current planetary-protection protocols.
[Late-afternoon update]
Keith Cowing has a review of the movie up now.
This Weekend’s Super Lunar Eclipse
Unfortunately, looks like it’s only partial on the Left Coast.
Functional Mechanical Gears
This is pretty cool. Of course, the Intelligent Designers will have a field day with it.
Growing Tomatoes
This is the sort of thing we’re going to have to figure out. But at least we’re building an unaffordable monster rocket.
The Last Unknown Planet
Cat Petting
News you can use, from Science.
Ours will tolerate tummy rubbing, for a while.