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Category Archives: General Science
Is Pluto A Planet?
The debate rages on.
[Via Phil Metzger, who has significantly contributed to the debate]
The Climate-Hysteria Industry
An interview with Judith Curry.
“Passion Is Not Misconduct”
No, but what Professor Mann did is. An illogical, misinformed editorial at Science.
[Update a while later]
A few more thoughts on the case from Will Bates.
[Friday-morning update]
The latest over at Mark Steyn’s place: “So the net result of Mann vs Simberg is that Mann owes Simberg $8,587.64. Pay up, you deadbeat.”
Well, he actually owes it to both me and CEI, and we have to split it, so he only owes me a little over four times the (soon to be likely reduced) judgment. Here is our latest filing.
[Late-morning update]
The battle between skeptics and climate “dictators“: “Skepticism is a necessary aspect of the scientific discovery process. During the trial, however, skeptics such as Curry were not allowed to testify, despite her having prepared a 54-page report for the court on the hockey stick science, which was highly critical of Mann’s work.”
Judy did testify, but only as a fact witness, not an expert witness.
[Early-afternoon update]
Back On The Air (Sort Of)
So, I came down with a cold on Tuesday evening. I first noticed it at a U of Michigan reception at SciTech after the main reception (attendees were in high spirits after their football team had won their first national championship after a quarter of a century, unalloyed by having to unfairly share it with Nebraska; I say “unfairly” because many think that Missouri beat them but lost on a bad call). I noticed that my throat was getting a little sore, and my nose was starting to run. (Interestingly, it was the sickest I’ve been since long before Covid).
Anyway, I was better on Wednesday, and attended the conference, then spent the later afternoon and evening with my niece who lives in Orlando. I had a scheduled flight to DC on Thursday evening, but decided to go to the airport and get out earlier on standby, and arrived here late yesterday afternoon. My nose started running again and I had a rough night sleeping, and I lost my voice during the day, but I’m on the mend now. I expect I’ll be much better tomorrow, and fine for the upcoming trial next week.
But I’m spending the weekend cramming for my upcoming testimony, probably Wednesday or Thursday, as a hostile witness for the plaintiff, so probably light blogging not just this weekend, but for the next three-and-a-half weeks. So be grateful if you get any free ice cream between now and the second week of February.
Can it reason?
Pain Relief
It’s something that I’ve been fortunate enough to rarely need, but researchers have discovered a promising new compound.
A New Cancer Treatment
This seems to be a huge improvement over conventional surgery.
Space-Time Santa Dynamics
Chad Orzel answers the important questions.
Vaccine Studies
…find a catalog of harm. And that doesn’t even include cardiac issues.
I am not regretting not getting any of the vaccines.