Category Archives: General Science

Life On The Moon

This will drive the planetary-protection people nuts:

Whether the tardigrades survived is unknown—but Spivack said if they did, there is no risk of the creatures taking over the Moon as they would need to be revived by future humans that may find them.

Yeah, it’s all fun and games until they mutate and become our giant lunar tardigrade overlords.

[Wednesday-afternoon update]

More at Pop Sci.

The Next Fifty Years On The Moon

An interesting essay, but it has a few problems. First…

And they repeatedly use the phrase “lunar soil.” In fact we just update Evoloterra this weekend to fix this ourselves.

Finally, we have this comment, which seems gratuitous and almost a non sequitur in the context of this article:

Blood Pressure

This isn’t news to me. I’ve always been concerned (to the degree that I am concerned) about both, and in fact, I worry more about diastolic than systolic. I’m trying to get it down with 20 mg of Lisinopril, but it’s still 150/100 on waking. Fortunately, I’ve never had a cardiovascular event, despite having lost both parents relatively young to heart attacks. I think I have a much healthier lifestyle, though. They were both life-long smokers, and overweight (partly as a result of horrible nutrition advice from the government).