…continues to flatline.
It will be cosmically hilarious if, after all the climate hysteria, the glaciers return in the next few decades.
…continues to flatline.
It will be cosmically hilarious if, after all the climate hysteria, the glaciers return in the next few decades.
… to drive tiny cars.
In the interest of science, and at the risk of sounding racist, it seems like they should do it with Asian rats for comparison.
Humans may possess some ability to regrow it. Doesn’t look like it will help that much for knees and hips, though. But you never know what they’ll find next. Fortunately, I’ve never had any joint problems, yet.
It’s finally based on the best science, instead of best guesses.
Basically, everything you thought you knew about nutrition for the past half century is wrong.
The sun is extremely quiet. It will be interesting to see what the effects are.
Yes, of course they bond with their owners.
Ember is almost a year old now (how time flies) and he’s almost like a dog in his desire for affection. Ashe is a little more aloof, but she likes to be on my lap while I work.
[Tuesday-morning update]
Per requests in comments, here are some pics. These are the kittens on the stairs, a few days after we got them at Christmas. Ashe is on the left, and we didn’t know that Ember (who was smaller at the time) was a boy. [Bumped]
Continue reading CatsThe latest analysis, at the WSJ. We should know next week if SCOTUS will be taking up the case.
[Update Tuesday afternoon]
Someone posted the whole thing in comments, but that’s a copyright violation, and not fair use. So I’ll delete that comment, but excerpt it here:
The legal issue hinges on whether what Mr. Simberg said is subjective opinion that should be decided in public debate, as NR contends, or a factual assertion that a jury could find false and defamatory, as Mr. Mann claims. By sending the case to a jury, the D.C. Court of Appeals has rewarded Mr. Mann’s attempt to use the courts to settle the science and silence the criticism. That sets a dangerous precedent.
In some senses the Mann suit may represent the perfect storm for litigation because so many consider climate science beyond question. The opinion of the appellate court, for example, carries the whiff of a religious authority rendering final judgment—the idea being that university faculties and other authorities have spoken so debate must be closed.
There’s also the venue. This lawsuit didn’t go through the federal courts but through D.C.’s equivalent of state courts, where judges and juries probably aren’t the friendliest to conservatives. With so many publications, think tanks and activists keeping offices in the nation’s capital, it isn’t hard to see how Washington could quickly become the venue for similar lawsuits.
The larger point is that while so-called climate deniers might be the first defendants, they are unlikely to be the last. If the D.C. ruling stands, National Review asks in its petition to the high court, what’s to prevent, say, Charles Koch from suing Greenpeace for accusing him of having funded a “junk study . . . loaded with lies and misrepresentations of actual climate change science”? Or Steve Bannon from founding a deep-pocketed organization to sue Trump opponents, and then shopping for a venue where a friendly jury might agree that an over-the-top opinion is a defamatory statement of fact?
“The only way to protect free speech for our allies is to protect it for our adversaries,” says Art Spitzer, legal director for the ACLU of D.C. “Today it’s unacceptable to deny climate change, but yesterday it was unacceptable to deny that homosexuality was sinful, and tomorrow it may be unacceptable to deny that robots are better parents than humans. Society can’t progress unless people are free to express and consider heretical ideas, because there’s no way to predict which heretical ideas will be tomorrow’s truths.”
The ball’s in the Supreme Court—if the justices will take it.
I should note that it’s not just as NR contends, but as CEI contends as well. We’ll find out next week.
Slow it down by seeking novelty? Maybe, but the fact that when a year is ten percent of your life to date, as opposed to on sixtieth of it, it’s going to seem to go by faster.
…undermines decades of crap dietary advice:
Analyzing the reams of old records, Ramsden and his team found, in line with the “diet-heart hypothesis,” that substituting vegetable oils lowered total blood cholesterol levels, by an average of 14 percent.
But that lowered cholesterol did not help people live longer. Instead, the lower cholesterol fell, the higher the risk of dying: 22 percent higher for every 30-point fall. Nor did the corn-oil group have less atherosclerosis or fewer heart attacks.
I’m scheduling a follow up with my cardiologist. I’m guessing that he’ll probably want to put me on statins, despite my clean bill of health from my angio scan, because my total cholesterol is a little over 240. I’ll tell him to take a hike.
This study does not prove that people aren’t born that way. Of course there is no “gay gene.” That would make no evolutionary sense. It has to be a complex of them that, combined, cause it. Plus this seems to ignore pre-natal environment. There’s some evidence that this is a cause as well.
[Friday-morning update]
And then there’s this: “Genetics may explain up to 25% of same-sex behavior.”