Category Archives: General Science
Turning Back The Clock
Rejuvenating cells by reprogramming them.
Faster, please.
The Coronavirus
The problem with it isn’t what you can see, but what you can’t.
[Update a while later]
Six movies about pandemics to watch (or avoid) if you’re stuck at home (from Lileks).
Curiosity On Mars
It’s reached its highest point yet.
We should be sending dozens of these things. If Starship happens, it will be quite affordable.
The Epidemic In Waiting
How it erupted in China.
I thought I’d posted this, but we’ve lost a giant of math, physics, philosophy and space. Condolences to Esther and the rest of the family. I just saw her at the space transportation conference a few weeks ago.
From over two decades ago, here’s an interview of him by Stewart Brand.
Lots of comments over at Instapundit.
Nutritional Mythology
No, there is no scientific reason to think that plant-based diets are healthier than meat-based ones, or healthy at all.
…should be classified as a disease. It’s a public-health tragedy that hasn’t long been. To think that we shouldn’t fight it because it’s “natural” is the naturalistic fallacy. Nature is not our friend.
Climate Over The Next Three Decades
Plausible scenarios, and all of the natural forcing functions indicate cooling.
The Best News On Climate
…you’ve never heard.