No, there is no scientific reason to think that plant-based diets are healthier than meat-based ones, or healthy at all.
Category Archives: General Science
…should be classified as a disease. It’s a public-health tragedy that hasn’t long been. To think that we shouldn’t fight it because it’s “natural” is the naturalistic fallacy. Nature is not our friend.
Climate Over The Next Three Decades
Plausible scenarios, and all of the natural forcing functions indicate cooling.
The Best News On Climate
…you’ve never heard.
That Dumb Quillette Article About Mars
Climate Event Attribution
Three rules for judging its validity.
Another Anti-Science Cabal
Now it’s Alzheimer’s. It is infuriating, and tragic. In nutrition, in climate, and in medicine in general, the peer-review system is so broken, it would be better to just get rid of it entirely.
[Thursday-morning update]
How Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg corrupted climate science.
[Update a while later]
Tuberculosis vaccine found to be effective against Alzheimer’s. It seems, to the degree that it’s effective at all, to be more prophylactic than a cure.
A Water-Eating Virus
…from Maaaaars.
A truly dumb article, disappointing from Quillette.
Why you shouldn’t be doing it.
This is definitely news I can use. I only run when chasing something, or being chased by something, or trying to catch a plane.
The Solar Minimum
It is officially “deep.”