…and it will work.
But not in time to prevent everything that’s happening right now.
Also, a cure is in the works, but again, not soon enough to prevent all the economic destruction.
Faster, please.
[Update a few minutes later]
Did the virus originate in a Chinese lab, and why is it crazy to ask?
I don’t think it is, which is not to say that I (yet) believe it did.
[Update a while later]
Ignoring the rant at the end, I wonder if this is for real?
I take it somewhat seriously because Patricia had it done to prepare her for a surgery a few months ago, and it did seem to help. It only costs a hundred bucks or so (she paid out of pocket), but I don’t know how capable we are of ramping it up.
[Update late morning]
How permanent will the changes to the healthcare industry be?
Some of the regulatory relief should certainly remain. I expect to see a lot more telemedicine, which is all to the good.
[Bumped from earlier]
[Afternoon update]
A new flu inhibitor? Unfortunately, while promising, it too won’t help with the current crisis.