…are even weirder than we thought.
I won’t eat octopus, because I have too much respect for their intelligence.
[Update a few minutes later]
Link is fixed, sorry.
…are even weirder than we thought.
I won’t eat octopus, because I have too much respect for their intelligence.
[Update a few minutes later]
Link is fixed, sorry.
Despite its logical appeal, it may not be real.
Mike Shellenberger fact checks it.
A new theory that could have useful medical implications.
You need four cups a day for the health benefits? We’ve both quit for the past few months, but when I was drinking it, I could barely choke down two.
Is it about to get real?
I still prefer “Climaquiddick.”
…created and destroyed from afar.
There is very little actual science behind any of the draconian measures that have been taken.
This is interesting. Probably only useful for small devices, but still useful.