Category Archives: General Science
…was a pedophile? Technically, twelve years old isn’t necessarily pedophilia, if she’s reached menarche. Pedophilia is attraction to children who are pre-pubescent. This is more like a Roy Moore thing.
[Update a few minutes later]
This seems related. Epstein wasn’t wrong when he said “that criminalizing sex with teenage girls was a cultural aberration and that at times in history it was perfectly acceptable.” It was acceptable for almost all of human history. Young women generally married as teenagers. But I don’t think that actual pedophilia has ever been acceptable in most cultures.
Corona virus And Sense Of Smell
Approaching C?
This probably won’t work, but it’s worth taking a look at.
The Year Of Living Unreasonably
Thoughts from Ben Shapiro.
When Laws Of Physics Are Violated
Dogs notice.
I’m pretty sure that cats would, too. They all have to understand physics intrinsically in order to hunt.
“No Evidence”
…is a phrase that is a red flag for science communication.
For those wondering, no posting yesterday because we drove up to the Santa Ynez Valley and back to pick up our quarterly wine shipment at Foxen Vineyards. We get free tasting because Patricia is a club member. It was a beautiful day for the drive.
Senolytics Breakthrough
A “vaccination” to extend the lifespan of mice.
No, Dr. Fauci
You are not “the science.” In fact, with statements like that, you are the Anti-science.
[Wednesday-morning update]
A “Cruz missile” drops on Fauci.
Climate Models
CNN was suppressing the latest news on their bogosity, for some reason.