Asteroids may be a bigger problem than we thought.
One thought: Weave a giant net out of space-sourced materials and consolidate it, then tow with a gravity tractor. Or hell, a gravity tractor would probably work without the net.
Asteroids may be a bigger problem than we thought.
One thought: Weave a giant net out of space-sourced materials and consolidate it, then tow with a gravity tractor. Or hell, a gravity tractor would probably work without the net.
No, dumbass, the oceans are not “boiling.”
No, we don’t know more about the moon than the sea bottom. We haven’t even started to drill it.
Are we running out? An interesting essay.
Actual science doesn’t require a definite article.
While this is definitely a problem for them, this headline seems overwrought. When you’re trying to talk over the noise at a loud party, do you “scream,” or do you just shout? They’re trying to make it sound like pain, or terror.
What made it so durable?
It’s only one of many. There’s the climate cult, the trans cult, the ESG cult…